

Real-time preferred carrier Bid Board
Automated dispatch process


Immediate visibility of driver location upon dispatch
Instant carrier pricing provided direct from bid-board


Carrier & Location Scorecards providing real time KPI’s
Create analysis reporting based on above metrics for carrier and location accountability


Automated carrier performance scorecards generated based on on-time percentage, bid award acceptance & compliance to customer requirements 

Location scorecards based on automated in/out & on-time percentages, loading window times being met and carrier being loaded with correct freight


Build and send loads out for bid to personalized pre-approved carrier base only

Compare and sort carrier bids in real-time and autonomously award loads & dispatch driver



Continuous live GPS tracking with real-time notifications of delays, shortages or abnormal route conditions (ARC)

Driver’s interact with customer directly through RealLogix mobile app, including instant uploading of BOL and PODs and piece count & weight verification


Direct uploading of paperwork from mobile app directly into customer system streamlines invoicing and billing settlement processes

Shortages, overages, assessorial and TONUs verified and approved in real-time by customer

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